ministries young adults

Young adults shape the culture of tomorrow and today. Our world needs prayerful, compassionate, Spirit-empowered young adults like you. Join a community of people seeking to follow Jesus alongside one another in our city.


If you are between the ages of 18-30 years old, we are excited to let you know that we have some opportunities for you to grow in Jesus and get connected with others your age.

Connect Lunch

Connect Lunch: Once a month lunch to meet other young adults and cultivate friendship.  August 11 we will be meeting at Jubilee Park after the service (11:30am) - bring your own lunch and then meet at Jubilee Park right in front of Banter Ice Cream. Other Connect Lunches are on Sept 8, Oct 6, Nov 3 and Dec 1 - join us in Central Cafe at 11:30am and invite your friends. Lunch is by donation.


YA Soccer

Connect via Soccer: meet up at Berry Park (33928 Fern Street) Sundays at 3pm every week for a casual game of soccer (starting August 18).


Discipleship Lunch

Discipleship Lunch:  This gathering takes place  in The Women's Centre (north side of CHC across from Wendy's) from 11:30am-1:00pm. Lunch is by donation. Upcoming dates: Oct 20, Nov 17, Dec 15. Let us know you are coming to our discipleship lunch(es) - Sign up here.


YA Activitys

Connect Activities: We are hoping to have informal gatherings on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month starting in the fall. For more information check out the Young Adults Instagram page.


Life together is better than life alone. Community groups are our primary vehicle to connect with one another, to follow Jesus, and to seek the kingdom of God in our city. 

For a multi-generational group, click the “All Groups” button.

all community groups list


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