We believe that nothing is better than knowing and following Jesus in every one of the 168 hours in our week. The process of growing as followers of Jesus is what we call “discipleship.”
There are many tools or practices or disciplines that propel us in the right direction and deepen our maturity as disciples. The point of discipleship is not the practices, but the person they put us in a position to love, know, and become like: Jesus.
June 26, 2022
"Community, Part 3: The Prevailing Power of Christian Community" | 168 Discipleship
Tim Klassen
God's grace empowers us to overcome our adversary and difficulties as we walk together in humility.
June 19, 2022
"Community, Part 2: Open Heart Relationships" | 168 Discipleship
Tim Klassen
The rich relationships we are made for happen best when we engage in vulnerable, open-hearted relationships centered on Christ.
June 12, 2022
"Community, Part 1: Set Apart And Sent" | 168 Discipleship
David Morelli
What does Jesus think of when he thinks of community? What does he envision about the church's life together? In some of his final moments on earth, he tells us through the prayer of John 17.
June 5, 2022
"Spirit-Filled Living, Part 3: Empowered by the Holy Spirit" | 168 Discipleship
Tim Klassen
God has provided what we so desperately need. The Holy Spirit makes the Christian life not only possible but powerful.
May 29, 2022
"Spirit-Filled Living, Part 2: How To Listen To God" | 168 Discipleship
Jesse Wilson
How do I hear God's voice? How do I know what I hear is actually God? This is a guide for staying synced with the Spirit.
May 22, 2022
"Spirit-Filled Living, Part 1: The Fruit Of The Spirit" | 168 Discipleship
Rushia Klassen
We've been transplanted and adopted into the family of God and given the Holy Spirit's guidance and power to produce "good fruit".
May 16, 2022
Stewardship, Part 3: Gospel Generosity: A Paradigm for Giving | 168 Discipleship
Tim Klassen
Do cheerfulness and financial giving belong in the same sentence for you? God's gospel and his promises lead to a better way of thinking about our money.
May 8, 2022
Stewardship, Part 2: Great Potential | 168 Discipleship
Tim Klassen
God's vision for you and I is connected to the church. We have great potential and become our best when we together pray, love and serve one another with our gifts.
May 1, 2022
Stewardship, Part 1: First Fruits Rhythms | 168 Discipleship
Randy Friesen
Developing daily, weekly and monthly spiritual habits and rhythms will sustain and build our physical, emotional, relational and spiritual health and resilience in challenging times. These rhythms will also cultivate the Presence of the Lord in our lives. Together we'll learn 5 rhythms of a healthy disciple of Christ.
April 24, 2022
Gospel, Part 3: Recommissioned | 168 Discipleship
Tim Klassen
The Gospel on display in John 21. Let's go! God is graciously intentional to restore and recommission us.
April 10, 2022
Gospel, Part 2: King Jesus | 168 Discipleship
Jesse Wilson
“Palm Sunday” was a moment from the past that highlights what is really true right now: Jesus is King. To be a Christian is to bring our whole lives under his rule and his reign. So, why is that challenging, and what does that mean?
April 3, 2022
Gospel, Part 1: A Story to Believe, A Story to Live | 168 Discipleship
Tim Klassen
The gospel is precious, glorious and powerful. By the gospel we enter God’s kingdom, by the gospel we grow in God’s kingdom.
March 27, 2022
Words, Part 3: Worship As Storytelling | 168 Discipleship
Nathan Archer
A Czech author that has been dead for nearly 100 years, worshipping Darth Vader, Syndrome from the Incredibles, and soiled diapers. All this, and more in “Worship As Storytelling”.
March 20, 2022
Words, Part 2: Putting Words To Our Pain | 168 Discipleship
David Morelli
Lament helps us put words to the pain we feel in a world where things aren't as they should be.
March 13, 2022
Words, Part 1: Words That Bless And Encourage | 168 Discipleship
Tim Klassen
Our words have great effect. The Christian way to bless and encourage sets us on a course to flourish and move forward in faithfulness to God's mission.
March 6, 2022
Scripture, Part 4: The Profitable Scripture | 168 Discipleship
Tim Klassen
God's goal for your life is greatly facilitated by his inspired word.
February 27, 2022
Scripture, Part 3: How to Read the Bible | 168 Discipleship
Jesse Wilson
There’s a depth we miss and a danger we enter if we don’t handle the Bible carefully. A talk on the why and how of interpretation.
February 20, 2022
Scripture, Part 2: Passing On The Word Of God | 168 Discipleship
Tim Klassen
2 Timothy 3:14-17
The greatest legacy is to pass on a faith in Jesus that is rooted in the relevant, inspired, authoritative and transformative Word of God.
February 13, 2022
Scripture, Part 1: Is the Bible Trustworthy? | 168 Discipleship
David Morelli
Luke 24:13-35
In our searching and our struggles, the Bible is a trustworthy place we can turn to. But more than that, it’s a place we can go to encounter the God who stands behind it.
February 6, 2022
Prayer, Part 3: The How And Why Of Prayer | 168 Discipleship
Tim Klassen
Encouragement for endurance. We all experience hindrances to our prayer, but Jesus encourages us to pray continually and persistently. Our reasons to pray are far greater than our reasons not to.
January 30, 2022
Prayer, Part 2: The Lord’s Prayer | 168 Discipleship
Jesse Wilson
Praying As Jesus Taught. More than a religious ritual or a relic of Christianity, this essential “how-to” from Jesus is a practical and powerful way to join God in shaping the church and the world.
January 23, 2022
Prayer, Part 1: Prayer Has A History | 168 Discipleship
Tim Klassen
Understanding Why We Pray. The story of God's activity in response to his people's prayers, broadens our perspective and compels us to participate.
January 16, 2022
Series Intro: God Works / We Work | 168 Discipleship
Tim Klassen
Philippians 2:12-13
An introduction to the teaching series “168 Discipleship” that explains how God's grace rescues us to a life most fully lived when our intentionality meets God's gracious empowerment.