connect bible

To better know, follow, and love Jesus, we spend time with him through the practice of engaging Scripture. 

The Bible is inspired by God and is the authoritative guide in our spiritual journey and the foundation for everything we do. 

Encounter God In Scripture

We encourage you to spend time each day reading the Bible.

The resources below can help you get started!


4-part segment from the “168 Discipleship” Teaching Series

MEMORIZE SCRIPTURE - “You Can Memorize!”

Memorization is a tool that puts us in a position to know, love and become like Jesus. We encourage you to memorize I John (our current Sunday Teaching Series)

Guide: 1 John Memorization Guide

Here's a helpful explanation of how to use our memorization resource:


The Bible Project.

Visually engaging and accessible guides for how to read the Bible.

A helpful starting point is this “Intro To The Bible” YouTube playlist that also includes an overview of both the Old and New Testaments: 

Go even further by browsing their increasingly large library. You could begin with the 19-part “How To Read The Bible” series that helps you learn about the Bible and how to read it well: from an introduction to the important differences of the various literary genres compiled within.


"Exploring The Bible" - 168 Discipleship Bonus Podcast


Axis (recommended for Parents and Youth).

With busy schedules, short attention spans, and nearly infinite banks of entertainment, it can feel impossible to meaningfully engage our teens with Scripture. We're here to help. Start with Axis' conversation kit on the Bible. Designed to promote mutual understanding, these videos can prepare students to better understand the story of the Bible and its implications in their lives.

A short video on the “inspiration” of Scripture:

Further Reading:

The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd Jones

Soaring Through the Bible: A Travel Guide from Genesis to Revelation for Kids by Skip Heitzig

Women of the Word: How to Study the Bible with Both Our Hearts and Our Minds by Jen Wilkin

How To Read The Bible For All It’s Worth by Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart