ministries women

Our vision is for each woman who encounters Central Heights Church to have a place to connect with God, with other women, and to have an opportunity to give back to her community.

We would love to meet you! Women’s Ministries at Central Heights is a safe place to belong, to grow, to learn and to serve! 

 Coming Up...

women's retreat

Groups + Programs September to May: 

Click on the images below for more details. 


mom chats


revivemommy and meliving room


drop inmoms and tots

community kitchen

Opportunities to Serve

Do you love to hold babies, help care for children, host our guests, connect with community, or serve behind the scenes? We have opportunities for you to serve!

click here for more information

Central Heights Foodbank and Women's Centre Donations

CHC Foodbank always has need for donated food items. Please donate if you are able.

Click here for the list of needs

We also accept clothing and household items, below is a list of the current most needed items.
We are not accepting clothing donations for the summer as we are overflowing with donations at this time! Thank you! 

donations needed

Connect with us

Would you like to receive our MONTHLY WOMEN'S EMAIL that will encourage you and update you on women's ministries? 

Click here to "opt in"

contact uswomen fbwomen insta