We believe life together is better than life alone.
Men’s Night is an opportunity to be together as men, learning, discussing and wrestling with what following Jesus means practically. This sets all of us up to live out the mission he calls us to, 168 hours of the week.
Men’s Night is Thursdays at 7pm at the church. Starting September 19.
See the classes offered and register below.
Men's Night Classes
Luke Part 2 (Luke 8-24) - Lyndon
What does it mean to be an "apprentice" of Jesus? It's much more than just believing the right things. It's about patterning your life after your "master". This study in the book of Luke is a hands-on, practical study, where you will join other men in "entering the scene" of this biography of Jesus with the intention of learning to live more like him. (This is a continuation of our study from before the summer break...all are welcome)
Bible Overview - Darrell
Do you think the Bible, especially the Old Testament is just a bunch of random stories? Do you understand how the books of the Bible are organized? Did you think the Bible was written in chronological order? Are you wondering how the storyline all fits together? Are you looking for someone to make this simple for you? Then this class is for you. We’ll take a high-level overview of the Bible and at the end, the goal is for you to say “Oh … I get it now”.
This 8-week class will start Thursday, September 19 and end Thursday, November 28. There will be no classes on October 31 and November 7, the instructor will be out of the country.
Acts Part 2 - Nick
Have you ever thought of how Christianity began? When? Where? How? This fascinating period in history filled with power, miracles, excitement, yet surrounded with much pain and tribulations for those involved. Come and explore the aftermath when Jesus left his apostles with the promise of the Holy Spirit. Come and learn how this bunch of uneducated fishermen and nobodies turned the world upside down with nothing but a shaky faith, and witness their transformation by the promised Holy Spirit.
This course is a continuation of this study from last semester and will cover the second half of Acts. All are welcome even if you missed the first half.
Regroup - Chris
Regroup is a place where men work through the challenges related to their Pornography and/or Sexual Addiction. It’s where freedom begins. Dr. Dave Currie says, “Boys make Excuses – Men make Changes!” We believe men make men! ReGroup is your new Band of Brothers who will call you to greatness through a community of both GRIT and GRACE. We believe though you come as you are – you won’t stay as you are!
What to Expect: Support. Challenge. Freedom. Encouragement. Connection. Men standing with you in your recovery. It’s a working group – you come to work! Then, you go home to work. Showing up regularly is essential but not enough. Expect to hear and discuss solid and God-anchored recovery teaching by group leaders or through an instructional video. All men “Check-in” – being accountable for their purity and their commitment to do their work each week.