There are a variety of reasons that prevent people from embracing Christianity. In this series, we will address ten different topics to helpfully engage those who aren’t currently able to trust Jesus, and to equip those who currently follow Jesus with confidence and conversational clarity.
Barriers to Belief: "Miracles"
David Morelli
At its core, Christianity is miraculous, and yet the very idea of miracles can be a barrier to belief. In this final message in our summer series, we turn to John 2:1-11 to address that, and see that miracles are a message pointing us to something greater.
AUGUST 28, 2022
Barriers to Belief: "Gender and Sexuality"
Guest Speakers: Bryan and Bonnie Pue
What are some starting points for thinking about the barriers surrounding sexuality, gender, and faith in Jesus? We’re joined by the co-founders of “The Union Movement” for a conversation about the church and the cultural complexities of these topics.
August 21, 2022
Barriers to Belief: "The Treatment of Women"
Sara Maynard
Jesus demonstrates that the gospel is good news for men and women.
August 14, 2022
Barriers to Belief: "Restrictions"
Galatians 5
Tim Klassen
Getting to the best life is not found in unrestricted freedom or legalistic religion but in relationship with God through his Spirit.
August 7, 2022
Barriers to Belief: "Exclusivity + Tolerance"
Nathan Archer
Continuing our series on Barriers to Belief, we turn to John 14:1-6 to tackle questions like the following: Is Christianity by nature intolerant? Why should I believe that this "god" is the right one when there are thousands of other options? Aren't all religions pretty much the same?
JULY 31, 2022
Barriers to Belief: "The Reliability of the Bible"
Brian Cooper
Christians look to the Bible as the authority on matters of faith and practice, but should they? How trustworthy is this book?
JULY 24, 2022
Barriers to Belief: "The Dark History Of The Church"
Jesse Wilson
The behaviour of Christians in the past and present have created a distorted picture of Jesus. For those fully outside the church, and for those with one foot out the door, is the dark history of the church a good reason to reject Jesus? And, and for those fully inside Christianity, how can we align ourselves with Jesus’ bright vision for the church?

JULY 17, 2022
Barriers to Belief: "Suffering"
David Morelli
Suffering is real. Suffering is hard. And God is good. How can this be true? The answer lies in the story of God and the one that story is about: Jesus.
JULY 10, 2022
Barriers to Belief: "Hell And God’s Wrath"
Jesse Wilson
Hell isn’t for real, is it? Why does the Old Testament God seem like he needs to calm down? The ideas of judgment and wrath are difficult to embrace for many reasons. But, if we can see the whole story of Scripture from start to finish, we encounter a God who is immeasurably good, and perfectly consistent.
JULY 3, 2022
Barriers to Belief: "Politics"
Tim Klassen
There is a right and a right way for Christians to engage the political realm. Regardless of our differences in opinion, we can and should have conversation that is civil.